Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weekly Reading List [9.4.12]

1. @Global_Bearings "[CHART] @NYT US surges ahead of others as arms supplier to developing world; 79% of global total in 2011 - pic.twitter.com/Tks0JKmX"
Here's a link to the full NYT article - www.nytimes.com

2. @danatgu "If your reading FP's #AfricaRising slideshow, just go ahead and read McKinsey's excellent growth report too: bit.ly/Pz8wyN (will download PDF).
Here's a link to the original Foreign Policy article "Lions on the Move"

3. @Washingtonpost "Iran and North Korea sign technological cooperation agreement, deepening ties wapo.st/OIUkWN" & @MicahZenko "US intel officials said they have no evidence Iran's leaders have decided to take the final steps toward a weapon." nyti.ms/TQo42y

4. @blakehounshell "RT @JacksonDiehl: My column today focuses on major foreign policy differences between Obama and Romney wapo.st/OJRygm

5. @sarahkendzior "The Peace Corps has now been kicked out of every Central Asian country except Kyrgyzstan pik.tv/en/news/story...

Something fun...because today feels like a Monday...
@LettersOfNote "In 1970, as Willy Wonka was being filmed, director Mel Stuart sent a fascinating progress report to the producer: bit.ly/T2c0gS

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