Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Weekly Reading List [10.14.12]

1. TALIBAN SHOOTING OF 14-YEAR OLD SPARKS OUTRAGE IN PAKISTAN & TALIBAN REITERATE VOW TO KILL PAKISTANI GIRL & TALIBAN GUN DOWN GIRL WHO SPOKE UP FOR RIGHTS - A young woman, the daughter of a teacher in the Swat region of Pakistan, has been speaking up against the Taliban for the last three years. She's curated a blog about her life, and her distain for the Taliban and the influence they welded. Last week, they attempted to assassinate her.

2. Evidence from the Investigation Into Alleged Doping by Lance Armstrong & Details of Doping Scheme Paint Armstrong as Leader & Statement from George Hincapie - If you are further interested in the allegations against Lance Armstrong and others follow @Coalescemedia and you can read the executive summary of the Reasoned Decision here.

3. Some politics - If you missed the VP debate earlier this week CBS has done us all a favor and put the entier debate online. You can see it here. In addition, PBS has some great resources - THE CHOICE 2012 & THE FRONTLINE INTERVIEWS. Speaking of PBS, since Mitt publicly said he'd stop funding them, there's been a firestorm of information and public outcry. I loved the visual nature of this one, "PBS IS AMERICA'S LARGEST CLASSROOM"

4. There have been some awesome articles about the power of design in tackling major global issues. Here are two great articles - DIGNIFYING DESIGN & USA: THE UNITED STATES OF DESIGN

**Have a great week everyone!**

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