Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Transformation Tuesday

So it's Tuesday and I woke up early excited to workout, take a photo to compare it to last week, and celebrate my success. Then real life happened. Both girls woke up about 2 minutes after I did. They woke up grumpy. We rushed to take dad to work which made it all worse (he ended up walking). It was at that moment of group tears, I decided we all needed to take a deep breath and just slow down. Things got better. We made it to the inside park. The girls ran their little hearts out! Laughed. Yelled. Ran. Jumped. Climbed. It was glorious.

But, E1 is in a boundary phase. Every transition can be a struggle. She says "NO" a lot. She wants to do it "all by myself!!" a lot. It can be hard to slow down enough to let her do these things. By 11am I was tired. I ate a horrible lunch. Bought chips at the store (because we shopped right before lunch, bad idea!). It was one of those stress-eating days.

So here I am at 9:00pm with a glass of wine. Having eaten like shit all day and having missed my workout (then didn't feel motivated anymore), being reminded by my husband that tomorrow is a new day. To try again. To be honest about the struggle.

So let's do part brag, part reality check. I have worked out consistently for a whole week!! WAHOO!! I actually thought about running and felt like I might be strong enough to give it a go! I have been feeling strong in general. Less winded. Less fatigued. My sleep is better. Overall, it's been amazing! PiYo is my friend. It gets me!

But today was real. Real life, with disappointments, missed expectations, and bad habits. But tomorrow is a new day!

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