Wednesday, June 16, 2010

With every new place I move to, there are new cultural norms to get used to. Moving from East Coast to West Coast has definitely brought some of those new cultural norms into the spotlight.

For example, every store (Walgreens, Safeway, the corner store) will ONLY give you a brown paper bag. Usually its a recycled brown paper bag; Jay said he thinks that giving plastic bags might be against the law here.

Another example is the driving. I think we've moved from one extreme to the next. DC is known for its SUPER aggressive driving, but people here seem to be almost passive, to the point of being an obstruction.

A bonus to moving here is the overall improvement in customer service. People are SO nice. A lady at a Burger King drive-in said "Good Morning" and "Have a nice day." In DC this is unheard of, but here it happens all the time. People are nice, courteous, polite, helpful; its amazing!

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