Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Reading List [4.13.12]

1. 2ND DEGREE MURDER CHARGE IN SHOOTING & GEORGE ZIMMERMAN ARREST: PROOF THAT THE SYSTEM WORKED FOR FAILED? - I know this is a sensitive subject, and it makes all of us feel defensive, sad, frustrated. But we need to talk about it. So it's number 1 this week. Treyvon Martin.

2. HOW WILL NORTH KOREA COPE WITH ITS FAILED ROCKET? & LAND OF ROCKETS AND BICYCLES - Yesterday, North Korea launched it's much touted rocket. And it was...a bit anticlimactic. Sounds like it launched for 1+second. Then fell apart into the sea. For all intents and purposes, it failed. But even more than it's failure, one has to wonder what will be the consequences to the citizens of North Korea. As one foreign policy wonk said, "How many North Koreas will starve because of this failed rocket launch?"

3. DESIGNING FOR DEMOCRACY - This is an interesting article about the power of branding and logos in politics. It looks particularly at the recent elections in Myanmar, and how similar all the parties propaganda was. When you read the article, be sure to click all the internal links to see more articles and pictures of the various posters.

4. THE BROKEN "BUY ONE GIVE THREE MODEL": THREE WAYS TO SAVE TOMS SHOES - I have to admit. I'm a fan of Toms Shoes. I like their style. I like that people are trying to do good. However, this article raises some great long-term sustainability points.

5. WHAT AMERICA BUYS & PRICES ARE PEOPLE: A SHORT HISTORY OF WORKING AND SPENDING MONEY - I thought it was very eye opening to see how spending habits have changed since 1949 and 2011. I also found the info-graphics and charts in both articles enlightening.

*This time next week, we'll be homeowners!*

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