Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekly Reading List [6.2.12]

It's been a crazy week. It's had some major ups and downs. But it's Saturday, and we're moving on.

1. N.Y. PLANS TO BAN SALE OF BIG SIZES OF SUGARY DRINKS - Bloomberg wants to combat obesity by banning the sale of drinks like the Big Gulp. I can't say I think the Big Gulp is a good idea, but I'm not a fan of a government ban. I think it still holds that you can't legislate morality, it won't change people's hearts, you'll just end up with a lot of rules. It'll be interesting to see if this goes through.

2. EDWARDS NOT GUILTY ON ONE COUNT; MISTRIAL ON FIVE OTHERS & CAN JOHN EDWARDS MAKE A COMEBACK? - I have to admit, I didn't follow the trial at all. I think very little of John Edwards and thought for sure, with all the press coverage, there must be some serious basis for the accusations, and surely he would be convicted. Apparently I was wrong. No matter what, as both articles point out, Edwards has lost in the court of public opinion.

3. WEAK JOB GROWTH STOKES FEARS OF GLOBAL SLOWDOWN & OBAMA, ROMNEY SPAR OVER FIGURES - New job figures came out this week, and they were lower than expected. This has give rise to fears over a new global turndown.

4. UN RESOLUTION FOR SYRIAN MASSACRE - There was another attack in Syria earlier this week. The atrocities in Syria are still worse than atrocious, and I, personally, am tired of not being able to do anything, and having other nations stand between life and death for the citizens of Syria. It's just wrong. I saw a tweet relfecting that political posturing "#Clinton says #Russian policy on Syria is going to contribute to a civil war. #UN warns of a looming "catastrophic" conflict there." There was a GREAT cartoon in the economist. Worth checking out!

*Hope everyone is having a great weekend!*

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