Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly Reading List [6.22.12]

Let's be honest, in this day and age, who doesn't struggle to stay on top of their email box(es). One of the fabulous designers I work with, made this awesome flow chart. 

1. EGYPT: ISLAMISTS VS. COPTS & EGYPT DELAYS DECLARING WINNER OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION & CALVINBALL IN CAIRO  & NO MATTER WHICH WAY YOU LOOK AT IT TROUBLE AHEAD - Start with Calvinball in Cairo. I think it sums up Egyptian politics so well. I don't follow Egyptian politics closely, but what I do observe is chaos. It also gives a great summary of what's happened over the past month leading up to the election.

2. HOW ONE MAN SWAM TO FREEDOM AND INTO FIGHT AGAINST MODERN-DAY SLAVERY & LOVE 146 - Help put an end to child trafficking - An estimated 27 million people around the world are living as slaves. U.S. officials are saying, "that the world has never been home to more slaves than it is today." The story of Anan is inspiring, he overcame incredible odds, and is still raising awareness about others who are still trapped. If you want to donate money or time to help see other people free check out Love 146, and consider supporting my friend, Noemi, who is raising money to combat trafficking of children.

3. THE ELUSIVE BIG IDEA - "Ideas are rare" In the past, "we sought not just to apprehend the world but to truly comprehend it, which is the primary function of ideas. Great ideas explain the world and one another to us." Today, "we prefer knowing to thinking because knowing has more immediate value." "We have become information narcissists, so uninterested in anything outside ourselves and our friendship circles or in any tidbit we cannot share with those friends that if Marx or Nietzsche were suddenly to appear, blasting his ideas, no one would pay the slightest attention..." "What the future portends is more and more information - Everests of it. There won't be anything we won't know. But there will be no one thinking about it."

4. Guess who we pick up on Monday?!?!

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