Saturday, July 14, 2012


I'm sure every pet owner has nicknames for their dog or cat. Jay and I have come up with quite a few, and they are a bit more non-traditional. Our favorite recently is to call Thor "dingis." I should have prefaced that with, we say that with so so so much love.

Today we took dingis to the park, he LOVES it! He got to romp in the grass and run to his little hearts content. There were a few other dogs at the park today. Two little chiwawa type dogs, super high energy ran/sprinted right over to say hi. Thor did great, he's super friendly, loves other dogs. Then there was another dog, an american bulldog, named Einstein. Einstein is deaf, but a super mello loveable dog. Thor did great, so proud.

One of the things he does is, when we go outside. Thor will often sit down mid-walk and sniff the air. He'll sit real still, but you can see his nose is firing. It's pretty cool. We also saw it today at the park, he would be trotting along and all of a sudden get hot on a scent. He's such a smart dog.

Here's a photo of Thor 9 weeks on the left and 11 weeks on the right. You can see how much he's grown in the past 2 weeks. He doesn't really fit under the couch so well, but he sure does try.

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