Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Reading List [7.9.12]

From Twitter over the weekend...

1. @AJEnglish "Feature:Northern #Mali has imploded from a mix of #poverty, drought, #guns, #corruption, marginalisation"
@texasinafrica "Someone finally covered the Mali deaths of those US Special Ops guys who were with 3 Moroccan prostitutes: "

2. @adrianhong "Shame. RT @TheEconomist: Not everyone is pleased about Africa's new breed of clergyman, whose wealth raises eyebrows"

3. @texasinafrica "UN & aid agencies have evacuated from Rutshuru:
Some background from the WSJ on the conflict in the Congo"

4. @thehill "Clinton hails deal to provide $16 billion in Afghan development aid"
@csmonitor "Another $16 billion in aid, but Afghan businessmen say help us"

5. @EgyptSourceBlog "New on EgyptSource: Morsi's Counter Coup by @MicheleDDunne #Morsi #SCAF #Parliment"

In additional news, today mark's the 1 year anniversary of South Sudan! Congrats to the men and women who fought long and hard for their cessation from Sudan, and continued prayers for your wisdom and fortitude in governing your new country.

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