Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weekly Reading List [1.28.12]

1. KENYAN SOMALI ISLAMIST RADICALISATION - The International Crisis group gives a great overview of how the insecurity in Somalia is trickling into Kenya.

2. CAN VENTURE CAPITAL SAVE THE WORLD - This article follows Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO of Acumen Fund, as she meets with investees around the world. Acumen Fund is a non-profit, investing money in organizations in low-income communities enabling them to find sustainable solutions to their own struggles with poverty. Also check out her book, "The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World."

3. HOW THE U.S. LOST OUT ON iPHONE WORK & IN CHINA, HUMAN COSTS ARE BUILT INTO AN iPAD & TIM COOK RESPONDS TO CLAIMS OF FACTORY WORKER MISTREATMENT- Apple has been getting a lot of press this week particularly around labor ethics. These are a few articles that are worth the read. Also, definitely check out the podcast from This American Life.

4. WHY WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT SYRIA & IT'S TIME TO THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT INTERVENING IN SYRIA & NO MILITARY OPTION IN SYRIA - What is happening in Syria right now breaks my heart (as I have posted before). Here are some great foreign policy op-eds addressing this complex issue and the many pro's and con's for involvement.

5. Some entertainment for your Saturday.

Bill Maher - Irritable Bowl Syndrome from Fraser Davidson on Vimeo.

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