Friday, February 17, 2012

Weekly Reading List [2.17.12]

1. I LOVE MY WIFE. MY WIFE IS DEAD - I have become slightly obsessed with "Letters of Note." First, if you are on twitter, you should follow the editor, Shaun Usher [@LettersOfNote]. Second, I really loved Wednesday's post "I love my wife. My wife is dead" The note is written by Richard Feynman, an influential physicist to his wife who passed away several years before. It is written with such love and longing, the tremendous loss that he feels just bleeds through the note.

2. EVEN CRITICS OF SAFETY NET INCREASINGLY DEPEND ON IT - I know I've shared article about the growing economic gap (perceived or real), but this one was very fascinating. It made me think about what government subsidies I receive or touch my life that I might not realize. It's amazing how this debate has become an "us vs. them" issue. Even if us is them.

3. REMEMBERING ROGER BOISJOLY - NPR did a story about the 1986 Shuttle Challenger launch. The story centers around Roger Boisjoly, who passed away this month in Utah at the age of 73. Prior to the launch, Roger raised some red flags around some mechanical issues that could cause an explosion; which as we know is what happened. It's his story about speaking up, being ignored and the grave consequences that followed. I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but it's on my list for this afternoon.

4. OBAMA'S BAFFLING CATHOLIC DECISION: BIRTH CONTROL TRUMPS FREEDOM & THE DAILY SHOW [see below] & PUBLIC DIVIDED OVER BIRTH CONTROL INSURANCE MANDATE - One of my favorite groups The Becket Fund for Religious Freedom has been all over this! They are helping to file several suits on behalf of churches and religious institutions (Check out some of their articles/press releases; Unacceptable, HHS Contraception Mandate Challenge). As Hannah Smith, senior counsel noted “The government knows that [most] employer-based insurance plans already cover these services. So it’s not about expanding contraceptive access. It’s about forcing religious-based organizations to provide this against their beliefs.”I've also included a clip from the Daily Show, highlighting the absurdity of a panel of all men, white old men, talking about women's contraceptive needs. Just to be clear, for me this is NOT an issue about women's health or reproductive rights, this is a RELIGIOUS issue, a first amendment issue.

5. Review of "DANGEROUS TALES: DOMINANT NARRATIVES ON THE CONGO AND THEIR UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" - Another twitter suggestion for the week. If you are at all interested in issues in Africa (esp. the Congo) Laura Seay @texasinafrica is awesome! Super knowledgeable, academic but also journalistic in what she shares, follow her! On her blog this week she did a review of a piece by Severine Autesserre. If you have any interest in international politics, I think this is a must read. She has a link to the original piece, which I am going to read this weekend.

*We're off to LA for the weekend. Happy long weekend to me!*

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